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Raila Odinga meets Egypt's Ambassador Wael Nasreldin Attiya at his home in Nairobi/Raila Press


Raila says to champion free movement under an African passport

The African Passport, an initiative coined by the African Union (AU) in 2018, proposes to remove restrictions on Africans’ ability to travel, work and live within the continent.

NAIROBI Kenya, May 22 — Raila Odinga has promised to champion free movement within the African continent to promote trade.

The African Passport, an initiative coined by the African Union (AU) in 2018, proposes to remove restrictions on Africans’ ability to travel, work and live within the continent.

It seeks to transform “restrictive laws and promote visa-free travel to enhance the movement of all African citizens in all African countries”.

Odinga who is eyeing the African Union Commission Chairperson seat, backed by Kenya, told two foreign envoys time had come to actualise the proposal.

He spoke on Wednesday when he hosted, separately, Netherlands ambassador to Kenya Maarten Brouwer and his Egypt counterpart Wael Nasreldin Attiya.

“I underscored the importance of a phased, evolutionary approach to tackle issues like multiple currencies, numerous visa requirements, and various air traffic control regulations. I believe the time has come for the introduction of an AU passport to ease travel across Africa,” Odinga said.

“Together, we can pave the way for Africa’s takeoff, fostering a continent that is integrated, prosperous, and unified.”

Odinga stated that this was his vision for Africa, pointing out the importance to realise the objective in the face of a changing global landscape.

If elected, he will succeed Moussa Faki, the current chair of the AU Commission.

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Faki, reelected on February 2, 2021, is serving his final term as the AU Commission Chairperson. He was first elected back in 2017.

AU Member States will elect the next AUC Chairperson in February 2025.

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