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Some of the victims of the Embakasi gas explosion that occured on February 1, 2024 were treated at the Mama Lucy Hospital. /Sharon Resian.


Ministry of Health Urges Hospitals to Accept Direct Blood Donations for Embakasi Gas Explosion Victims

This follows heightened demand for blood caused by the tragic explosion, which occurred on Thursday night killing at least three people.

Nairobi, Feb 2 – The Ministry of Health has directed hospitals treating victims of the Embakasi gas explosion to accept blood donations directly from willing donors.

This follows heightened demand for blood caused by the tragic explosion, which occurred on Thursday night killing at least three people.

The explosion, triggered by a gas leak from a truck, rocked the Embakasi near Kenya’s main airport the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), resulting in severe injuries to nearly 300 individuals.

Authorities said Friday that many of the victims require blood transfusions as part of their medical treatment.

“To address this urgent requirement, our blood establishments at Mama Lucy Hospital, Nairobi Region Blood Transfusion Centre (RBTC) & Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) are on high alert to respond to the needs of the casualties,” the ministry said and encouraged hospitals to collect blood and blood components directly from the said facilities.

It said Nairobi RBTC has enough blood components especially fresh frozen plasma (FFP) that will aid in the care of burn victims.

Dr. Jane Kamau, Director of Health Services at the Ministry of Health, emphasized the critical nature of the situation.

“The need for blood to support the injured in Embakasi is significant,” she said. “We are working closely with healthcare facilities, the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service (KNBTS), and other partners to ensure that victims receive necessary medical attention, including blood transfusions,” she said.

The explosion occurred around 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, resulting in a massive fireball that engulfed the area, according to witnesses who spoke to Capital FM at the scene.

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The Kenya Red Cross said it had evacuated 271 people to hospitals around Nairobi, including Mama Lucy and Mbagathi hospitals.

Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris who visited victims at Mama Lucy Hospital appealed to Kenyans to turn up and donate blood to the victims.

Speaking on Friday at Mama Lucy Hospital while donating beddings to the affected victims, Passaris said when dealing with burns alot of blood is needed therefore, urging people to help donate blood to save lives of those affected.

“I appeal to everyone; if you understand the severity of burn injuries, you know they require a substantial amount of blood,” she emphasized. “Considering the influx of patients at the hospital and the heavy traffic we’re experiencing, the need for blood is critical.”

So, she pleaded, “if you’re out there, please don’t assume that someone else will take the initiative. I urge you to step forward and donate. We urgently require blood donations at Mama Lucy Hospital to collectively save lives.”

Deputy Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja said a guard at the gas plant had been arrested as detectives sought to establish the whereabouts of the owners who were still at large.

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