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Physical learning resumed in Kenyan schools on October 12, 2020 after a COVID-19 break that started in March.

County News

Day secondary schools in Alego Usonga to charge Sh2,000 fee per term

USONGA, Kenya, Feb 12 – Day secondary schools in Alego – Usonga constituency will charge a maximum of Sh2,000 fees per term following an agreement with the area constituency development fund that will meet the difference.

A meeting between area CDF officials, led by Member of Parliament, Samuel Atandi and principals of the 47 day schools in the area resolved that the decision takes place immediately so as to save students from wasting time going home for fees.

Addressing the media after the meeting which was held at Siaya township secondary school today, Atandi said that the CDF will pay the balance of sh. 8,000/= per student annually, leaving parents to clear the sh. 6,000/= annual fee.

He said studies have shown that 98% of the students in day secondary school in Alego – Usonga had difficulties paying the sh. 14,000/= annual fees that the government recommends, leaving principals to grapple with challenges of running the institutions.

“We have come up with the programme after consultations with the principals and the local community and CDF resources will be used to subsidize the cost of education in day secondary schools” he said.

Atandi said that the programme will ensure that local school attain the 100% transition and further help principals in their day to day management of the institutions.

The principal of Mahola mixed secondary school, Eric Odiang’a, on behalf of the principals, hailed the initiative, adding that it will go a long way in helping both the students and principals meet their obligations.

Odiang’a said that local schools are owed millions of shillings in fee arrears, adding that though the Sh.14,000/= fee may appear cheap, most parents and guardians cannot afford it.

He called on parents and guardians with students in day secondary school in the area to reciprocate the local MP’s gesture by ensuring timely payment of the sh. 2000/= termly fees.

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