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Ugenya MP Ochieng forced to flee funeral attended by Raila in his constituency

SIAYA, Kenya, Dec 24 – Ugenya Member of Parliament David Ochieng was Sartuday forced to cut short his speech and flee from a funeral in his constituency that was attended by former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga.

Several people were injured and property destroyed during the skirmishes that were preceded by shouting match between supporters of the Orange Democratic Movement and those of the area MP, David Ochieng who ditched Azimio la Umoja coalition and joined Kenya Kwanza immediately after the last general elections.

Ochieng, the party leader of the Kenya Kwanza allied Movement for Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) was quickly whisked to his car as his aides fired shots in the air to disperse a marauding group of mourners during a brief scuffle at Ligega village in Ugenya sub county.

Trouble began when Ochieng was invited to address the mourners during the funeral of the late trade unionist and former long serving Kenya National Union of Teachers, Siaya branch, William Ohonde, 73 years.

Ochieng had barely made his remarks when a man emerged from behind and roughed him up before snatching a microphone from his hands.

This caused a commotion that degenerated into a fight between supporters of MDG and ODM.

In the process, MDG supporters were overwhelmed and chased out of the funeral, with Ochieng, former Rarieda MP, Nicholas Gumbo and former journalist, David Ohito who are all associated with Kenya Kwanza forced to leave the venue at high speed.

As all these were happening, ODM brigade, led by party boss, Raila Odinga, Siaya governor, James Orengo and legislators Opiyo Wandayi and Samuel Atandi sat quietly in the dais.

Earlier, tension was high at the funeral as a group of youths who sat on one side kept on shouting MDG and Kenya Kwanza slogans whenever members of the county assembly and other leaders rose to address the mourners.

Addressing the mourners later, former prime minister, Raila Odinga and other leaders condemned the incident as primitive, adding that those who claim to be leaders must know how to carry themselves in public.

Raila accused the government of over taxing Kenyans and squandering taxes meant to develop the country.

He told the government to stop the employment of teachers on contract terms adding that the teachers deserve better remuneration.

Siaya governor, James Orengo who equally condemned the chaos that he said were orchestrated by MDG leader and a few hired goons said leaders must carry themselves with decorum wherever they are.

“Manners maketh man” said Orengo adding that leaders must behave and know what to say where and when whenever they are in public.

National assembly minority leader who is also the Ugunja MP, Opiyo Wandayi vowed to camp in the area and ensure that such ‘nonsense’ comes to an end.

Wandayi urged Kenyans to reject Kenya Kwanza sycophants out to take the country back to the dark days.

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