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Raila Odinga.


Raila urges govt to keep bargain after deal with medics

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 9 – Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Leader Raila Odinga has urged the government to keep its side of the bargain following the signing of a return-to-work agreement with the Kenya Medical Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU).

Applauding the move to end the 56-day nationwide doctor’s strike, Odinga stressed that both sides must show in good faith their commitment to honoring their side of the agreement.

He further stressed that the opposition side will be vigilant and will not hesitate to call out to the party that will go contrary to the signed deal.

“Now every side must keep its side of the bargain. The government must immediately implement its commitment as proof that it has learned lessons on the fault of intransigence and refusal to honor CBAs and court rulings,” he stated.

“The health workers must also show good faith by honoring their side of the agreement signed today,” he added.

However, Odinga expressed his disappointment underscoring that the long trail of pain to the public, due to the medical halt was highly avoidable.

“We are glad that two parties were able to find common ground and end the long-running dispute,” he stated.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) members had been on strike since March 14 until Wednesday.

“The strike has been called off and doctors should resume work immediately,” Davji Atellah, KMPDU Secretary General said.

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The strike’s sticking points included the intern doctors’ pay and working conditions, as well as the implementation of a previously agreed-upon collective bargaining agreement.

During the signing, Atellah revealed that the matter concerning interns had not been definitively resolved.

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