#TransformYourLife: Water Is Life!


Water is the most under rated yet extremely important beverage ever.

Most people believe that drinking soda/pop, juice and other drinks compensates for water intake. As much as it might contribute towards it, It also contributes to consuming a lot more calories hidden in ingredients like sugar, salt, coloring/chemicals etc that are not good for the body.

Water like everything else is made up of molecules which are broken down even further to even smaller units called atoms. H2O (water) consists two atoms of the element Hydrogen (H) and one atom of the element Oxygen (O). Two atoms of Hydrogen have a positive change and the Oxygen have a negative charge. It’s because of these special charges that water molecules stick together and make water have the properties it does.

Albeit boring to the palette water consumption is important especially for weight loss for several reasons:

1. Excess weight can be water weight: Just like food, the body will retain water when it feels as though it is not getting enough. The best way to keep the body from retaining the water is by increasing water intake.

2. Sweating during a workout robs your body off water. Drinking water helps replace that which is lost through sweating and respiration. It also helps in energy transformation during a workout.

3. Cleansing: Working out and burning fat and calories creates byproducts in the body that need to be eliminated. This elimination only happens with a good enough supply of water.

4. Drinking water burns calories: Water does not get a free pass in the body just because its water. The body has to work in order to absorb it. For that calories are burned. The more water consumed, the more work created for the body.

5.Appetite suppressant: Your body will send a signal of hunger when really it is thirsty. Next time you feel hungry, take a glass of water and wait 20mins. Chances are you were not hungry just thirsty.

6. Optimize body functions: Water is extremely important for kidney function however when kidneys are functioning at sub-optimal level they receive assistance from the liver.

The livers main function is to metabolize fat. When helping a out the liver, fat metabolism is less efficient and less productive. We should seek to make sure that the liver is fully focused on metabolizing the fat.

So exactly how much water should we consume for weight loss?

The rule of thumb is eight 8oz glasses (64oz a day) however I find this measure flawed especially if you’re working out and eating clean.

See more at: http://janemukami.com/blog

My water schedule:

Upon waking up 5:15 to 5:45am – 16oz to 18oz

During exercise: I take 2 gulps of water every 5 to 10 minutes during my workout.

After exercise: I take a couple more gulps.

All through the day: I sip every 15 to 20 minutes even when I’m not thirsty.

Whenever an activity is uncomfortable or requires sacrifice there are always people making excuses. My 2 favorite

1. Drinking too much water causes water poisoning or water intoxication

2. You can drown your body organs by drinking too much water

It’s not about how much water you drink, it’s how fast you drink it. If you drink 2 liters of water in 5 minutes OFCOURSE the body will not handle that well. Drink water slowly, taking small frequest sips throughout the day.

My lifestyle, calls for being in the best shape by means of intense workouts and eating clean, requires I consume 2 gallons of water a day. By no means am I asking you to consume 2 gallons a day, but I will challenge you to drink more water and cut off other unhealthy drinks. This is especially important for anyone that works out and is looking to loose or maintain their weight.

Join the My Fit and Fab Self Facebook group where we are having a water consumption challenge for 24 hours starting Monday 4/23. Members have been challenged to drink a little more water than they currently do and post their progress all through the day on the group.

Note: It is normal to find yourself running to the restroom more frequently than usual. Don’t panic its just your body trying to keep up with the water you’re drinking and it (the body) adjusts to this in a few days.

Did you know an adult kidney can process 15 liters of water a day??

Did you know that you can survive several weeks without food but only a few days without water?

