Three splurge-worthy items for your home


If you’re thinking of moving out or re-decorating, you’re probably going to ask yourself “Am I spending too much?” about 7 million times.

Knowing what exactly you should spend your money on is a little tricky, especially when you don’t have an expert around to guide you.

And you know what? We’re all for following your heart but when 7 months down the line, your heart starts questioning why you spent a fortune on antler-themed wallpaper for your home, you may start to question life as a whole. And we wouldn’t blame you.

Here’s three guilt-free, splurge-worthy items you can invest in for your home!

Good Lighting

Lighting 2 Lighting

Can I have an ‘Amen!’ from all the photographers in the house?

Good lighting is a great place to start when it comes to investing in your home as it sets the mood. There’s nothing worse than having a beautiful space that’s poorly lit as it ultimately leads to a sense of discomfort and could even impair your vision.

Be it floor lamps, spotlights or statement light fixtures, investing in your lighting is a great place to start when choosing what to splurge on.

Comfortable furniture

Comfortable bed 2  comfortable seats

From the couch you like to relax on while watching your favourite show, to the bed you crawl into after a long day at work – your furniture should make you feel relaxed. There’s nothing worse than getting into a bed with a horrible mattress because not only will it disrupt your sleep, but it can also lead to back problems later on.

Invest in furniture that you consider to be comfortable and allows you to relax in your own home.


Art 2

Photo from
Photo from

Spending money on good art is not only great for your home but your investment portfolio too. But perhaps you don’t really have to spend 2oo million shillings on a Vincent van Gogh. At least not yet!

Find interesting pieces online or from your local gallery that will compliment your space. If you’re not sure where to start, try visiting Kuona Trust or the Go Down Center where they showcase pieces from incredibly talented Kenyan artists.
