Don’t demonize the sun, you need it!

For the last few decades, marketers, health and skin professionals, have been literally demonizing the sun.  They’ve all told us to absolutely avoid the sun and its rays, because without sunscreen the sun exposure will result in damaged skin and cancer.

Too much of anything can never be good.  It goes without saying that this is true for sun exposure.  However, the oversimplification of the harm in the sun will distort the facts.  Recent studies have discovered that healthy vitamin D levels may prevent different types of cancers.

We’ve all been brainwashed that the littlest UV exposure will harm us.  We are UV-paranoid.  However, Vitamin D deficiency is rising up in the ranks in becoming a silent epidemic.



So how much sunshine do we need?

Renowned health expert Patrick Holford during a Nariobi event suggested that 10 minutes of unprotected sun exposure for darker skin tones every day is what will maintain healthy vitamin D levels.

Other health specialists suggest 15-30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure 2 to 4 times a week.

After your unprotected sun exposure time is up, you have to apply sunscreen to protect yourself.  Don’t over do it.


Just remember folks, the sun feels good for a reason.

