When to run for the hills!

– If there isn’t any progress in your relationship.

All relationships should progress naturally and if yours has stagnated then there’s a problem. This also means that you won’t improve yourselves either. Couples should help each other grow. So, if your relationship isn’t making any progress it could mean that you are just not meant for each other.

– If it’s difficult for you to express yourselves to each other. Communication is mandatory in relationships and if you can’t even talk about anything and come to an understanding then what the hell are you still doing pretending to love each other?

If he/she hurts you physically

A relationship consists of two persons who are supposed to love each other. There’s absolutely no reason why anyone should inflict pain on someone they consider special or their number one friend. Therefore, if you find yourself being battered and receiving hot slaps  every now and then, then there’s definitely no reason to stay in that relationship.

– If you keep fighting about the same thing over and overRUN_4_483014433.jpg

Especially if what you fight about has broken the two of you up more than once before, it’s just time to pack and leave.

Truth is, this will just go on and on until the end of time. It could be that you don’t respect each other as much as before because if you know what hurts your partner and you keep doing it anyway it means that their feelings don’t matter to you. You don’t mind seeing them hurting and this could mean you just don’t love them anymore.

– If that supposed significant other is bila ambition or doesn’t share the same dreams as you. This reads, INCOMPATIBILITY!

In such a situation, you will never see eye to eye, therefore there’s just no need to push it! Some mutual interests in life can take both of you places…

– If your self-esteem is suffering because he/she is always putting you down.

No one should make you feel bad about yourself and especially from the person who claims they love you. A good relationship should in fact make you feel extra good about yourself and in some cases give you something to brag about.

If at all you’ve ever found yourself needing space from your partner.


At some point, your relationship may have stalled which could only mean that the person needing space could have gotten tired of pushing for something that is clearly not working according to them. The space more often than not is a euphemism for wanting out of the relationship. So if he/she says they need space…it is for quits so take the hint!



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