Here’s what men think about during sex

4.)  Someone else:  This one goes both ways.  Sometimes we HAVE to think of someone else …someone repulsive …because we don’t WANT to finish.  And sometimes we think about someone else because it turns us on.  Sorry, it’s true.  But women are guilty of this too.


5.)  What she likes:  Guys take mental notes about what is and isn’t working.  That is, if they’re SMART.  That way, if there’s a next time, they know what’s going to get a good reaction, and they know what NOT to do.

6.)  The immediate surroundings:  Guys can totally lose focus when they’re getting-it-on, check out their surroundings, and STILL get off.  It’s unfair, we know.  It means we might glance at the TV, or at whatever photos you have propped up too close to the bed.

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