Arm outstretched, Abdul Rahman sweeps his mobile phone across the vista of Mecca, the Great Mosque dazzling in the sun, so his son in Tanzania can experience the pilgrimage to Islam’s holiest sites. He may…
Posts tagged hajj
#DidYouKnow: Rituals of the hajj
Muslims from across the world have gathered in Mecca in Saudi Arabia for the annual hajj pilgrimage, which is a pillar of Islam, to take part in the following rituals: – Ihram: Pilgrims wear special…
#Travel: Pilgrims scale Mecca’s ‘mountain of light’
Their faces bathed in sweat, cheeks stained with tears, dozens of Muslim pilgrims scale Mecca’s Jabal al-Noor mountain, undertaking the arduous ascent to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Mohammed. It was in a…