In February 2017, the “Unforgettable” hit-maker French Montana featured the popular Ghetto Kids Dance Group from Uganda on his video. The production of the video sparked an interest in Montana who was impressed by the joy the children found in music despite extreme poverty they lived in. This prompted Karim Kharbouch, better known by his stage name French Montana to met up with a local advocate and discuss the possibilities of building a maternity center in the country. According to estimates from UNICEF, Uganda’s maternal mortality ratio, the annual number of deaths of women from pregnancy-related causes per 100,000 live births, stands at 435 after allowing for adjustments.
During the trip, he started the #Unforgettable campaign intended for collecting funds to improve health services in Suubi Health Center, a maternity and children’s medical facility in Budondo, Uganda. With funds collected via the Unforgettable campaign, the hospital has expanded its facilities and even come up with new structures to revolutionize service delivery within the hospital.
According to Claire, a worker in Suubi Hospital, many mothers go to Suubi because of their good services. Following the figures increase, they needed more space and funds accumulated from the unforgettable campaign came to their rescue. So far they staff quarters have been built to cater for staff who often work long hours. This therefore cutting their travel time by 100% since they now reside within the hospital.
The people of Budondo and hope to reap huge benefits courtesy of the #Unforgettable Campaign, with a five-story building under construction. The hospital’s accommodation is set to multiply serving up to 300,000 people.
French Montana challenge to other personalities to take up such responsibilities in the community. With friends such as P Diddy sharing Montana’s work in Uganda, more American celebrities are looking to do good work on the African continent.
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