Accounting firm Deloitte has released a global survey showing nearly a third of employees are not satisfied with their jobs. But not so many of the disgruntled employees are about to jump to greener pastures. The ‘Talent 2020’ report revealed that 80 percent of employees in the survey indicated they plan to stay with their current employer, at least for the next one year.
“These findings highlight the fundamental question in the employee talent paradox: Are employees truly satisfied? Or are they simply accepting their fate by “making do” with their current employers because of a difficult job market?” pondered Deloitte in a blog post.
To help employers gain a better understanding of the latest employee attitudes and emerging talent trends, Deloitte Consulting LLP teamed with Forbes Insights to conduct a survey of employees working at large companies worldwide. The September 2012 report, the fourth in Deloitte’s Talent 2020 series, surveyed 560 employees across virtually every major industry and global region.
The report also looked at issues of high staff turn-over, skill gap and human resource development.
“Instead of addressing board concerns over turnover – as seen in previous surveys – employers now face a more targeted challenge. They need to adjust their talent management initiatives to focus on retaining employees with critical skills who are at a high risk of departure and the capable leaders who can advance their companies despite continuing global economic turbulence.”