Mhairi Black was elected the youngest MP since 17th century in the just concluded UK elections. The 20-year-old wrestled the Paisley and Renfrewshire South seat in Scotland from Labor party experience politician, Douglas Alexander.
The third year Political Science student at the University of Glasgow was preferred SNP’s candidate in a David vs Goliath battle which pundits had handed the established shadow foreign secretary an easy win over Miss Black. But the young MP-elect surprised many by winning with 51 per cent of the vote.
Black’s typical student behavior was revealed when sections of the media dug up tweets the student had deleted. The tweets portrayed Black as an alcohol loving, party-going, a cuss-spewing teenager when she was younger. In addition, Miss Black went against the grain by expressing her loathe for the beloved Celtic Football Club, a team with cultic following among the Scots. In spite of this, this did not stop the electorate from overwhelming electing the young student to the UK parliament.
Black rode on a rising rebellion against the Labour party in Scotland where a majority of the citizens feel the party is not doing enough to represent them in Westminster.