15 Popular Hobbies That Are Sure to Raise Your IQ According to Science

Our brains age as we get older, and that’s something we have no control over. It’s just the way things are. However, we may have the power to slow down the aging process and help our brains work more efficiently. This is totally a choice thing, where you choose to do good by your brain by avoiding doing some things like indulging in excessive alcohol, smoking, doing drugs, eating too much junk food, not exercising your body enough, spending too much time on social media and not necessarily learning anything new and doing beneficial things like taking your supplements, reading, exercising, eating the right foods… to mention but a few.

I would like to think that we all have hobbies. Hobbies are those activities we love indulging in during our free time and enjoy indulging in the said activities while at it. It comes as really great news that science has proven that some hobbies are more beneficial for our brains than others. I mean, who wouldn’t want to raise their IQ by doing something they truly enjoy doing and learning more of?

Below are 15 popular activities that will boost your brainpower and the percentage (tested and proven by science) arranged in order from the least to the most brainpower boost our brains benefit from indulging in the activities.

15. Sewing (1.03%)

14. Playing a new board game (2.00%)

13. Daily journaling (3.26%)

12. Coloring in an art book (3.96%)

11. Start writing /blogging (4.12%)

10. Trying new recipes every week (4.17%)

9. Making and editing videos (4.26%)

8. Joining an online video game group (4.81%)

7. Gardening (5.10%)

6. Learning a new language (5.88%)

5. Practicing meditation (6.38%)

4. Reading (7.07%)

3. Exercising (7.37%)

2. Knitting (9.68%)

  1. Learning a new instrument (9.71% IQ increase)

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