Feng Shui: 7 Plants That Will Bring Luck and Good Fortune to Your Home

We all need a bit of a boost when it comes to the Luck and Good fortune department. So, it doesn’t hurt to try and bring in things into your living spaces that will increase the good/positive energy in your space.

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui suggests that how we use our space, what we put in it, and the placement of the things we choose to put in our spaces dictates the energy in our homes. This is why bringing specific indoor plants into your living spaces can attract an abundance of good fortune and wealth into our lives.

So how about considering the plant parenting route and bring in the following 7 plants said to increase the feng shui all around you into your home.

1. Orchids

Looking for the perfect plant to bring an abundance of good fortune into your home? An orchid is it!

Orchids are not only pretty to look at but they have a long life span. They come in a variety of colors and are low maintenance. Not only that, they are considered very lucky plants as they are associated with fertility, beauty, success, love, joy, and happiness.

In the Chinese culture, orchids are given at weddings to bring good luck to the new marriage. White, pale yellow and pink orchids are said to encourage better health and well-being, as well as bolster your immune system. While dark-colored orchids are believed to promote creativity.

2. Money Tree

Also known scientifically as the Pachira Aquatica, the Money tree is a beautiful plant. What with its braidable trunk and big, luscious leaves?

The money tree is one of the best plants known to bring good luck into living spaces. It gets its name from the five-pointed design of its leaves that are known to represent the 5 principal elements of Feng Shui which are: Fire, Wood, Metal, Water, and Earth.

3.Pilea Peperomiodes

Also known as the Chinese money plant, the Pilea Peperomiodes plant is easily one of the stunning indoor plants known for encouraging good fortune and prosperity. Pileas have unique coin-shaped leaves, which is a giveaway as to where they got their name from.

The circular shapes of the Pilea plant are said to draw in financial luck as the circular shapes of the plant’s leaves resemble coins. They are also considered peaceful and calming for the human brain.

4.Jade Plant

The Jade plant is commonly associated with good luck and is sometimes called a money/dollar plant. In Asia, they are given as wedding favors, house-warming gifts, celebrating of a new job, and even graduation gifts as they are believed to invite good fortune and wealth into your space.

In Chinese culture especially, the Jade plant is a symbol of financial prosperity.

PS: Always remember to remove any dead or wilting leaves as soon as you spot them to avoid negative vibes.

5. Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos, also known as the Devil’s Ivy is a favorite plant among those who practice and appreciate Feng Shui. It is a common plant that is also considered a lucky plant to keep in your home.

It is known to encourage good luck and wealth.

One more thing to know about the Golden Pothos is that it is a calming plant and thus helps eliminate stress, negativity, and anxiety and helps clean the air.

6. The Rubber Tree

The rubber plant, also known as Ficus Elastica has been popular with indoor plant lovers around the world for years.  It is known as a champion air purifier that also promotes good luck in its surroundings. Because of its almost round leaves, the rubber plant is said to harness positive energy. The shape of its leaves is symbolic of wealth hence it is known to bring financial prosperity.

7. Paper Plant

Also known by its scientific name Fatsia Japonica, the Paper plant is a popular plant with the Japanese people.

It’s not only a beautiful plant to bring into your living spaces, but a promoter of good fortune and happiness. An interesting fact to know about the Paper plant is that the points of its leaves only grow in odd numbers (often 7 points) which in the Japanese culture is a sign of good luck. Not only this but because the leaves of the paper plant resemble the palm of a hand, it is considered a very lucky plant that represents the welcoming of wealth and prosperity into your space.

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