What Your Coffee Table Situation Says About You

Forget the dining table, the coffee table is definitely the centerpiece of any living area. We gather around it, guests will always notice it among the first things when they come through the doors of your home and will probably use it to rest their drinks. We also always lounge in front of the coffee table as we watch TV and sometimes it can double as the dining table. The coffee table is a furniture piece to reckon with. We all need one in our homes.

Here’s the thing though, how you keep your coffee table and what it looks like says something about you. To find out what your coffee table situation says about you, check out the list below.

*Coffee table covered in books/ magazines

This could mean that you spend most of your time reading and that you enjoy talking about books. You may also be all about keeping up with the latest trends in life. Displaying books and magazines on your coffee table gives out vibes that you are a great conversationalist plus the titles on your books can be great conversation starters.

*Neat Coffee table

If your coffee table is always neat and clean, it could mean that you’re a minimalist and possibly a perfectionist, and you believe that everything in your home should have its proper place. Your neat and organized coffee table helps tie the room together, and you’re always ready to receive guests…even unexpected ones.

*Messy Coffee table

If your coffee table is always messy, it could mean that you are a creative person who tends to get caught up in doing projects and going on random adventures. You are an easy-going person and you never have to worry about whether your space looks perfect or not. You have other fun things to occupy your mind and coffee tables and a clean home are definitely not one of them.

*Coffee table with lots of trinkets on it

If this is your coffee table situation, then you have a big, multi-faceted personality and you’re also probably a collector by nature. Your home shows off your eclectic personality well and this is especially showcased on your coffee table. Each trinket means something to you and represents something you value in life.

*Coffee table with lots of candles or plants on it

You are all about the cozy life and you feel most at peace when everything around you is cozy and fresh. Your home is your safe haven and you like it to be as calm as possible hence the candles and plants help you achieve that very cozy feel.

*You never use coasters on your coffee table

If coasters and table mats are not your thing, you are likely to be more spontaneous and a risk-taker. You fix things after they are broken not before they are broken. You rarely worry about prevention…you take the risk and then deal with fixing the issue later. You live in the moment and your home definitely reflects that.

*Use of coasters are a must!

If you always have to use coasters on your coffee table, then it means you really care for yourself and that you think about the future a lot. You are also a planner. You take great pride in taking care of everything you own, and you consider everything you spend money on an investment. You don’t like expensive mistakes.

*Coffee table that is clean on top and messy underneath

If this is your coffee table situation, then it means that you prefer to have a home that looks lived-in. Organized enough but not so much that guests would fear touching anything in your house. Your house also look like guests are very welcome and they can be themselves in your home.

Of the above, which is your coffee table situation?

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