Are eggs great for your child’s memory?


Eggs are an excellent source of protein and can play a vital role in a well balanced diet for a child.  According to MedicineNet, eggs are a rich source of choline and this helps memory development in children.

So how can you get your child to eat more eggs? Well, if your child is not a fan of boiled eggs, then here are some ideas on how you can incorporate them into your child’s diet.

  1. Make scrambled eggs for your child’s breakfast.
  2. You could give your child egg and mayonnaise sandwiches for lunch.
  3. Poached eggs are delicious for any meal of the day.
  4. Children love omelettes, especially if they include their favourite fillings. So if your child prefers mushrooms and carrots, for example, try and include these in his omelette.
  5. You could even slice a boiled egg into thin pieces and add them to the toppings of your homemade pizza.

Enjoy experimenting with new ways to prepare eggs for your child. Be creative, add colour and have fun – you could even get your child to cook with you and get in some bonding time as well!

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