Add some good CHIA to your diet

I bet you’ve always heard that nuts and seeds are super healthy for you as they contain healthy fats, fiber among other healthy nutrients. Chia seeds are no exception as they are packed with natural, healthy goodness.

Besides being inexpensive, Chia seeds are very easy to incorporate into your diet as there’s normally no cooking required.  Chia seeds can be eaten raw, added to porridges and puddings and soaked in juice. They are also useful for thickening sauces and they can come in handy at breakfast as they can be sprinkled on top of cereal, yoghurt, smoothies among other dishes. This makes it so valuable as it gives everything it is added to a boost in nutritional value.


It is therefore important to note that 28 grams of Chia seeds contain: Fiber: 11 grams. Protein: 4 grams. Fat: 9 grams (5 of which are Omega 3s).Calcium: 18%, Manganese: 30%, Magnesium: 30% and Phosphorus: 27%.

In addition:

*Chia seeds are high in quality proteins.

*They are good for Weight Loss as they help to reduce food cravings.

*They contain a large amount of nutrients with very few calories.

*They are loaded with antioxidants.

*They are packed with fiber hence they are capable of improving metabolic health.

*They can improve exercise performance as much as sports drinks.

*They are rich in several nutrients that are important for bone health.

*They are high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

* Consumption of Chia seeds can control how fast our bodies convert Carbohydrates into simple sugars which has made scientists to believe they are beneficial for Diabetics.




Strawberry/ Cherry Chia Pudding


2 Cups Almond Milk

Strawberries/Cherries (or other berries)

5 Tablespoons Chia Seeds

3 tablespoons Honey

1 Teaspoon Vanilla extract


*Mix the Almond milk and Strawberries/Cherries (or other berries) and puree then in a blender.

*Pour the mixture in a bowl and stir in the chia seeds, vanilla extract and honey into the strawberry puree.

*Cover the bowl with clear foil and refrigerate for 3.5 hours.

*Garnish with strawberries/cherries and Serve!
