#DidYouKnow: Sperm carries information about dad’s weight

obese fathers sons

Turns out dads are also eating for two.

A new study published December 3 in Cell Metabolism reveals that the sperm cells of lean and obese men possess different epigenetic marks, notable at gene regions associated with the control of appetite –  a man’s weight affects the heritable information contained in sperm.

The comparisons, which included 13 lean men and 10 obese men, offer one biological explanation for why children of obese fathers are themselves more predisposed to obesity. Researchers believe that in times of abundance, it’s an instinctual way to encourage children to eat more and grow bigger.

Researchers believe the findings from this study offer one biological explanation for why children of obese fathers are themselves more predisposed to obesity.



Cell Press. “Sperm carries information about dad’s weight.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 December 2015.
