Capital Home: 5 quick & simple ways to revamp your space

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Anyone who’s watched enough episodes of Oprah will be familiar with the phrase “Your home should rise up to meet you,” uttered by renowned interior designer, Nate Berkus. It’s important that your house represents your style and that it truly makes you happy and comfortable. But even the most beautifully decorated home may need a little sprucing up every once in a while and we’ve rounded up five simple ways to do so.

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Changing up your cushion covers is an easy way to create impact in a space without much effort. All you need is a couple meters of fabric which should cost you about 1,500Kshs, a good tailor to stitch it up for you and you’re good to go. The great thing about this option is that you can add prints, colour and even texture if you find the right fabric or purchase ready made cushion covers. Try including different sized cushions as this will aid in giving your home dimension.

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I grew up watching my mother fill our home with flowers and I’ve always been drawn to beautiful bouquet arrangements. They are a great addition to your living space as they add colour, scent and life to your home. A great way to display them is to use different sized vases which you can find them in your local supermarkets for about 650Kshs or less. Of course there are more expensive options out there so it’s up to you to pick the ones that suit your budget and style. A bouquet of flowers can cost anywhere between 200Kshs – 600Kshs at your local flower shop depending on how great your bargaining skills are, and, if maintained well, can last over a week!

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This may be the most daunting option but it’s also the most rewarding if done right. Accent walls are a great way to draw attention to a side of the room that has an interesting feature which then helps in breaking the monotony of your space. You can opt for going for a bright colour such as yellow or mint or use wallpaper for an interesting pattern or texture. Dark colours are often frowned upon for swallowing up light in a room but if done right, a dark accent wall can also inject some charm into your space! Whichever route you take, just remember to make sure the accent wall isn’t hidden behind curtains to allow it to take the center spot in a room.

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A quick way to ensure your house will rise up to meet you is to work on the aroma. Scented candles will not only generate emotional connections with a special time or event but they can also uplift your mood depending on the scent you pick. Candles are also a great way of setting the mood lighting by creating a more cozy and romantic atmosphere. If you also are looking to make a statement, turn your fireplace into a mini candle shop but remember to leave out the scented candles if you’re hosting a dinner since the competing scents of the food and candles may get nauseating.

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Lastly, this would be a great project for those who are more drawn to the arts and are looking to get their creative juices flowing. But even if you aren’t artistically inclined, creating your own artwork could be a great bonding experience for you and your children or partner, making it a sentimental addition to your room. You could get a framed canvas measuring 60cm by 70cm at the local book/arts store for about 3,500Kshs, pick up some paints in the colours of your choice and paint away.

Whichever route you choose to take, don’t forget to have fun with it and to make your house a place that you’re always keen to go back to because at the end of the day, your home should rise up to meet you!

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