7 Ways to turn a fling into a relationship


No one can read your mind. Vocalize what you want, what you’re looking for, and what you hopefully want to see your relationship grow into. If after clearly communicating and your partner is still unresponsive, please, do not push it. There’s nothing worse than someone who just doesn’t get it. Sometimes the other person simply wants something else – don’t be offended. Move on.


In life, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith without thinking about the outcome. If what you’re about to say or confide is coming from a place of sincerity and love, you should never feel afraid to share it. Regardless of the outcome, trying your best is sometimes the only way to get closure. Whether the other person wants a relationship or not, at least you have left it all on the table. No regrets.


There’s no need to rush into a relationship. Once you’ve decided to give this fling a try, let things blossom and nurture naturally. Allow yourselves to connect on a deeper level. Learn about each other. Most importantly, enjoy this time!




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