Phoenix Players presents this year’s Musical

November 23, 2010 – Phoenix Players Proudly presents CHANGING GENERATIONS. This Musical Production was first presented in 1992, and was written by James Falkland with music by Joy Mboya and Suzanne Gachukia.

This time round, amazingly, the issues are the same more than 18 years later. The 2010 edition premiers this Friday, Nov 26.

CHANGING_GENERATIONS_499835010.jpgThis is a story of a group of young Kenyans who have just graduated and are in the throes of celebrating this achievement but this is shadowed by a cloud of uncertainty of the future- corruption, lethargy, politics; getting jobs… Kim (Waithaka Gatumia) and Josh (Bryan Alufwani) are buddies and are in serious relationships with Purity (Jane Gathoni) and Bella (Darshani Haria). The hurdles begin to unfold when Kim’s Mother is opposed to this relationship and regards Purity as a ‘gold digger’ of obscure breeding.  On the other hand, Josh’s Father cannot imagine his son getting hitched to a girl of different colour. The young couples have their own self inflicted challenges. The cast is fresh and highly talented, backed up with an amazing band

The show is directed by George Mungai.

Check out this link for a blast from the past, aka the ORIGINAL Changing Generations!!
