#TransformYourLife: 6 Ways to stay healthy when traveling

healthy drinks

So you’re about to head away from home, be it a business trip or a planned vacation. As you get prepared, you may start to feel some anxiety related to how you will handle the healthy eating and workout side of things on this trip.

Many people often feel that they have to take a break from their workout or healthy eating plan while traveling but his is not the case.

What can you do to ensure that you don’t break your regimen and fall off track?

1. Stay compliant prior to trip

Chances are you will not be able to duplicate your clean eating and work out habits while traveling. Why not then stay compliant 1 to 2 weeks prior to the trip? Do not miss a workout, or eat unhealthy items. Put in the work ahead of the trip and save the skipped workout or not-so-healthy meal for those moments during travel when you will need them.

2. Plan accordingly

Do not just show up to your destination without doing your home work. Evaluate the condition of where you will be living way in advance. Will it be a hotel? An apartment/ AirBNB? Will you have access to a mini refrigerator? A grocery store to buy healthy snacks?A gym? All the above questions will help you anticipate your stay and subliminally help you plan, envision and carry out health related activities.

If you’re in a position to influence where you stay, it’s always best to stay in a place with a kitchenette and a gym to help provide access to what you’re used to at home.

See more at: http://janemukami.com/blog

3. Travel grazing

Aimless eating during travel either at airports or long drives can sabotage your efforts and throw you off the health band wagon. Based on your travel condition you can pack some smart foods ahead of time. If you’re driving to your location, you can certainly bring some non-perishable healthy items that you can stash with you in your car. When flying you also can pack light non perishables to keep you away from the greasy foods at the airport foods courts.

Great choices for travel included apples, orange, nuts, protein powder, nuts etc. Snack on these while traveling to keep your energy up and your calorie intake down. For meals, healthy options at airports are limited to salads or grilled protein and vegetables.

4. Start Your Day Off Right 

As much as possible while traveling, get your day started off right.  Get the workout out of the way in the morning this way late meetings, happy hours or dinner do not keep you off track.

Make sure you have a good filling breakfast and pick food items that will keep you full longer while also providing nourishment. Eggs, oatmeal, yoghurt are examples of healthy breakfast options

What you don’t want to do is start the day with something like pancakes or french toast. Doing so will set the tone for the rest of the day and increase the chances that you eat unhealthy later on.

Eat as much fresh food as possible and you’ll progress through the day on a much healthier note.

5. Allow for a treat – especially when on vacation

Speaking of healthy, allow yourself something you are craving or that isn’t as healthy as it could be. While on vacation especially, you’ll likely want to indulge a little bit, so by giving yourself permission to do this, you’ll make it more likely that you stay on track the rest of the time.

Just remember to practice moderation. There’s a big difference between eating a slice of pizza you’re craving or eating the entire pizza all to yourself.

Plan out what meal you will indulge at (and make sure that it’s the one that will be hardest to eat healthy at), and then focus on staying as close to your normal food choices the rest of the day.

5. Stick to the clean eating rules

  • Drink lots of water less soda, juice, caffeinated drinks
  • Eat more white meat
  • Smallest meal at dinner time unless you workout in the evening
  • Portion control -more veggies, protein, moderate starches/carbs
  • Avoid all jump foods/processed foods or plan when to indulge/treat yourself in moderation. Every meal cannot be a treat.

So there you have a few tips to help you eat healthy while traveling. With a little bit of planning, being mindful and preparation, there’s no reason you have to return home to face a few pounds or kilos of weight gain.
