Do you deserve a royal kind of treatment this Valentine’s Day?


(By Doris Dulo) Valentine’s Day has always been celebrated as a woman’s day. Where this came from we don’t know. Bottom line is, it is here to stay, whether we like it or not.

It is the time when ladies sit down and wait for their men to spoil them rotten with presents.

I was talking to a colleague the other day and he asked me, “What did you do throughout the year to deserve being treated like a queen on Valentine’s Day?” This really got me thinking, what have I done the entire year to deserve a treat from my man on Valentine’s Day?

I put together a checklist for all of the women (myself included) and here is what I came up with.

#Have you been a good girl?

Good girl means that you have done all of the things you are supposed to do very well. Many girls are guilty of yelling at their men and basically being dissatisfied with whatever their men do for them. If you know you are among those women who are always shouting and complaining. It is time to change this Valentine. If you can’t help it then it is probably time to leave the relationship.

#Are you always there for him?

Sometimes, you can plan to go out with your man and unfortunately something comes up…like he falls sick etc. In that situation did you call him and ask him to send the tickets/money so you could go with your girlfriends? That is really the height of being insensitive. When your man gets sick you should be there for him and find a way to make it better. Perhaps, showing up and spending time at home with him might be a good idea. Cooking some soup for him is excellent.


#Gifts should not only be exchanged when it is a special exchange

I believe presents should be bought all the time. Have you also bought things for him from time to time? It could be anything from fruits, socks to a phone. Whatever, your money can afford. It is really the thought that counts at the end of the day.

If you have done all of this then by all means you have every right to sit, put your legs up and let the man do all the heavy lifting.

But if you haven’t, perhaps it is time to visit a gift shop and also treat him to a little something special this Valentine’s day.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!!

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