Deadly spider venom may be a natural Viagra

A recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine highlights how deadly spider venom could boost in erectile function and treat erectile dysfunction (ED).

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, whose venom and kill people within an hour, has a toxin called PnTx2-6, which researchers have found to improve genital relaxation and blood flow.

With more definitive findings, researchers believe that the toxin could be an alternative to ED drugs.

Inspired by men who had been bitten by the deadly spider, showing up in emergency rooms with unrelenting and painful erections in Brazil; researchers believe the next step is to develop a synthetic version of the toxin, where the adverse effects of the toxin can be controlled.


Nunes KP, Toque HA, Borges MH, Richardson M, Webb RC, and de Lima ME. Erectile function is improved in aged rats by PnTx2-6, a toxin from Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom. J Sex Med. August 23, 2012.
