Nairobi Summer style: The maxi dress

The month of August always means the beginning of Nairobi summer which can only mean that we can say “arrivederci” to those heavy coats and sweaters we’ve been wearing for the last few weeks. It should be warmer already but I’m sure the clouds will clear up soon. patient.

As we are always all about prospective shopping, I hope you restocked your ‘summer ‘wardrobe during the cold because they are cheaper at this time and I really hope while shopping  you stocked up on Maxi dresses. Maxis are in vogue for the girlie girls especially. I love them because they give you that stylish summery look. They are very feminine and can be worn by every woman (who is into them) whether plus size or super skinny, old or young. Because of the different designs and styles they come in everyone manages to look awesome in them.

This time though, instead of hiding in black and grey why not appreciate color and life more. Try the pinks, the oranges, the whites, the yellows, the bright blues and even the beautiful prints and floral patterns for a change. Bright colours make you look cheerful, and give you that cheery summer vibe throughout.

Maxi dresses come in all sorts of patterns, stripes, polka dots, tartan…So whatever your style is, go for the right one. They are great for maternity wear too.

Maxis are fabulous because not only do they give you length, they also give you comfort and freedom. They let your skin breathe freely.

Select your fabrics well. The chiffons are pretty cool and they don’t cling onto your body for dear life when it gets windy. Lycra’s  and spandex are also cute but don’t forgive the bumps on your body and they are clingy. Cotton is ideal for everyone.

If you will be taking a trip to the Coast for a wedding or a vacation, you won’t go wrong with a maxi dress or skirt. They were made with that kind of weather in mind.

The maxi is a must have for every summer wardrobe. For that perfect summer look, pair your maxi with cute flat sandals, simple bangles and make a style statement this coming summer with your maxi dress.

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