End of the road for Quinn, Kristal

QUINN_KRISTAL_OUT_494860826.jpgNAIROBI, October 26, 2009 – They get up in excitement when Big Brother announces that they have 20 seconds to leave the House. Quinn hugs his friend Jeremy and hugs Elizabeth three times. Kevin sits quietly on the couch in shock.

The rest of the Housemates walk Kristal and Quinn all the way to their final exit point.

Before Quinn leaves walks out the door, Jeremy and Leonel flip him in the garden. A tearful Mzamo hugs all the Housemates.

Kristal says she was surprised to find out that she had been evicted but thinks that Elizabeth and Kevin are very strong contenders.

The pair gets to see who nominated them. Quinn is shocked that Kevin put him up while Kristal is surprised by Elizabeth’s.

The Housemates earlier talked about how Kristal believed that she was not going to be evicted.

Jeremy tells Elizabeth and Emma that Quinn told him that he did not like the way Kristal boasted about how powerful they were as a pair.

Emma says that Kristal must be shocked wherever she is. Elizabeth says that Quinn should have told Kristal to calm it down.

Elizabeth thinks that if Quinn and Kristal had survived Eviction, Kristal’s arrogance would have escalated.

Elizabeth says that she truly believed that Kristal, Liz and Jennifer would be some of the last Housemates in the House. Emma says that back in the Palace, the three, who she calls the “Three Musketeers” never did chores and acted like princesses.

