Living In Apartment Blocks #PropertyInsights - Capital Business
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Living In Apartment Blocks #PropertyInsights

There has been a shift in the housing market, from the traditional stand alone houses to high-rise apartments as developers rush to meet the housing demand. Living in close proximity with others requires courtesy and a little more consideration as living space is limited. Facilities such as gardens or play areas are communal, making cooperation and tolerance crucial for this kind of lifestyle.
Here are a few tips on how to go about it.

Reach out

When you move into an apartment, reach out to your neighbours and get to know them. This is beneficial to you in many ways. You get to have a good start and common ground to face issues as they arise, as well as create a sense of community. Security is also improved as you will be better placed at identifying strangers and unwanted guests in the property.


We all want to live in a safe and secure environment; however everyone has a role to play, especially when living in apartments. There may be several points of entry including the, fire door which may pause as a threat to security. Getting a reputable security firm to take care of your safety will give you peace of mind, and make it difficult for thieves to get in without being noticed.

Noise levels

Apartment living can be a little bit invasive as the only thing separating one apartment from another is a wall. Noise seems to pass through rather easily, therefore avoid making loud noises at night and in the early hours of the morning. You also need to be considerate of your neighbours, by informing them well in advance when you intend on having a party or when entertaining.


Most apartment blocks have a provision for laundry lines within the apartment while others may have other lines outside the apartment in communal areas. Some people are uncomfortable hanging their laundry outside, while others do not mind at all. This would be something to look out if you find clothes hanging outside an eye sore.

Garbage disposal

This can be a tricky issue if tenants are careless while moving their garbage from their homes to the collection point. Ensure that your garbage bags are tightly wrapped to avoid spillage. There are different dates, times and ways of collection depending on the location. Some areas have recycled garbage collection, which require tenants to separate plastics and paper from their usual trash.

Finally, be nice as living with people from different backgrounds on the same property can be challenging. Tolerance, consideration and a little common sense will go a long way into making your environment easy to live in.

Remember, it is easier to smile than frown!

Get more property insights from Pam Golding.

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